The Best Yoga Poses for Core Strength

You do not need to go to the gym to work on your core muscles. Yoga is an excellent way to do this. Yoga classes are often slow and relaxing, but you can also do poses that will help you strengthen your abs and back.

The following ten yoga positions can help you strengthen your core:


Boat Pose is a yoga pose that can help build your core strength. It is a stationary posture that improves stability and mobility. To perform this yoga pose, start seated with your legs in front of you. To stretch your spine, sit tall. Then, while bending your knees, slowly lean back. Keep leaning back until you can lift your feet off the ground.

To stay active, you can flex your feet. To maintain a long spine, you can hold your bent knees with your hands if necessary. With the legs and arms completely extended, the Boat Pose forms a V-shape. However, this rendition is highly effective and an excellent place to start. Hold the position while inhaling deeply. Most yoga poses, like this one, depending on proper breathing. To keep your back lengthened, inhale. With each inhale, expand your lungs.

When you exhale, push your stomach out. It is called the Abdominal Lock. It makes the Pose stronger and starts to make you stronger. For ten to twenty breaths, hold the Pose. After a short rest, repeat the Pose twice more.


It is a basic posture that helps build endurance and strength in your core body. You will be in a sideways position, and you will be targeting your obliques. Assume a high push-up position to begin. Swing your body sideways, facing the left wall, maintaining your right hand on the floor. Flex your feet to keep your legs as straight as possible. Put one leg on top of the other as high as you can. Put your other foot in front of the other for added stability.

If you’re starting, you can increase the stability of this posture by placing your right knee directly beneath your hip on the floor. Then, extend your left arm into the air and lift your left hip toward the ceiling. Hold the stance for five to ten breaths while taking deep breaths. Practice it on the opposite side once you’re finished.


Move-in Side Plank Pose to strengthen your obliques. Holding Side Plank stabilizes, and adding mobility activates those stronger muscles.

While in a Side Plank Pose, open your body more by lifting your left arm. As you exhale, twist your body to reach your left arm under you. Inhale again, and as you exhale, repeat the twist. Your obliques help you rotate your torso. Twist 3 to 10 times, depending on how able you are. Then switch sides.


The “Dolphin Plank” is a different plank position that strengthens the core. This Pose combines two yoga poses: Plank Pose and Dolphin Pose. Begin this Pose on your hands and knees. Slowly lower both elbows to the floor, one at a time. Keep your arms as parallel to each other as possible.

You may bring your hands together to form a triangle with your arms on the ground. Next, curl your toes and lift your legs off the floor. Reposition yourself to assume a long, flat posture similar to a low coffee table. It is another stabilizing position, but you could experience more abdominal activation than in a standard Plank Pose. Hold the stance for 15–30 seconds, then rest and repeat twice.


It is critical to focus on your abdominal and back muscles when strengthening your core. Two yoga poses will help you work on your back muscles: Bridge Pose and Camel Pose.

Start this posture by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. For most tremendous leverage, ensure that your knees are directly over your ankles or heels. Exhale by pressing your feet firmly into the floor and lifting your hips off the ground. Bend your arms at 90 degrees and press the backs of your arms into the floor to lift your upper body even more. You will perform a gentle yoga backbend stretching the entire front side of your body.

Breathe in and out while you hold the position. It will help to strengthen your back muscles, including the erector muscles which support your spine. Bridge PBridge Pose focuses on your lower back specifically. Hold the Pose for ten to twenty breaths.


It is a full backbend. You do it after you warm up with Bridge Pose. The backbend will work your whole back and part of your core. As with Bridge Pose, start lying on the floor with your knees bent. Put your hands up near your shoulders, but a little wider than shoulder distance so you are in good alignment and can push off well. Exhale powerfully and press your feet and hands into the floor to lift your whole body straight into the air. It is a dynamic posture. If you can’t move up into it, stay in Bridge Pose; both have benefits for strengthening your core.


Some standing postures can help you develop more core strength. Let’s start with Reed Pose. It is a simple position, yet it draws attention to your core region. Begin by standing with your feet about hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Interlace your fingers and extend your arms into the air. Reach for the ceiling as you inhale, then lean to the right as you exhale.

Lengthening your left side while “crunching” on the right will help you get stronger. Inhale to return to the center. Exhale to your left. Before swapping, hold each side for a few seconds. You should be able to do 5 to 10 reps on each side. It will assist you in strengthening your obliques.


Chair Pose with a twist is another method to train your front and side abs. This Pose is suitable for beginners since it strengthens and stabilizes your core system. Begin in a standing stance for this yoga practice. Inhale and raise your arms into the air. Exhale to sit back as if into an imaginary chair behind you.

Bring your hands to your chest in a praying pose. Maintain a solid posture with your feet firmly planted on the floor and your hips aligned. Take a deep breath in to make your spine longer. Exhale to turn your torso a little to the right. You don’t have to twist too much to reap the benefits of this position. Before returning to neutral, hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat the Pose on the opposite side.

The following two poses will make you feel powerful. They are standing postures that activate your entire core system.


This first yoga pose is called “Victorious” Warrior. It is a variation of the typical yoga posture called the Side Angle Pose. Start in a Warrior 2 position, with your right foot forward and knee bent, directly behind your left leg, and your foot flat on the ground. You’ll be lunging with your back to the left wall. Extend your arms outward, parallel to the floor, over your legs.

Reach out with your right arm and turn your upper body to the right. Hold this position. Bring your left arm up and across to the other side, forming a V-shape with your arms extended overhead. Maintain an open torso to the left wall. Stay sideways with your arms reaching outward, engaging your entire core system to hold the Pose. Breathe deeply and concentrate on the exhales to amplify the abdominal contractions. Hold for 30 seconds before switching back to neutral. Repeat this stance twice more before repeating the sequence on the opposite side.


To finish your core workout:

  1. Do the Revolving Side Angle Pose.
  2. Stand on the right side of the Victorious Warrior pose.
  3. Put your left hand on the floor next to your right foot.
  4. Stand up on your toes and twist to the lunge position. You will work your obliques in this Pose.

But deep breathing will also keep your abs and back engaged. Be sure to do this Pose on the other side too.

Read more: In 6 Minutes, You Can Be Done With Your Workout

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga Poses for Core Strength

What Yoga Poses Are Good for Core Strength?

Boat Pose is a yoga pose that can help you build core strength. To do this, Pose, start sitting with your legs straight out in front of you. Sit up tall and lengthen your spine. Then slowly lean back while bending your knees.

Which Is Better, Core Pilates or Yoga?

Yoga can help you if you want to deepen your meditation practice, improve your flexibility, and work on your balance. Pilates may be better for you if you need to recover from an injury, want to improve your posture or want to get stronger in your core.

How Can I Engage My Core All Day?

Practice tightening your abdominal muscles when seated at work or walking to and from your regular locations. You may also put your new skills into practice while going grocery shopping; try tightening your abs when you reach up to grab something from a high shelf.

Does Holding in Your Stomach Strengthen Your Core?

Sucking in your stomach will make it look flatter and work your abs. The more you suck in, the more toned your core will be.

How Do I Activate My Core While Walking?

Draw your belly button into your spine to ensure you’re working your abs, not just your hip flexors. Try it eight to ten times during each minute of walking.

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